Full Body Glutes
This is 3- 4 day workout program consisting of 2 workouts. The Idea here is that you alternate the 2 days this will increase progress and strength. You will get the best results with 48 hours rest between workout days For Example: Monday : Day 1 , Tuesday: Rest, Wednesday: Day 2, Thursday: Rest, Friday: Day 1, Saturday: rest, Sunday: Day 2. You can then repeat the cycle!
Order = The letters simply mean to do 1 exercise and then follow another one right after it for that set. So if says 1A and 1B it means that you do one exercise followed by the other with no rest, until your working set is done
Sets = Amount of rounds you will do this exercise
Reps = Amount of times you will execute an exercise
Hip Thrust
Seated Row
Barbell Squat
Dumbell Bench Press
Hyper Extension
Seated Front Delt Press
Hip Abduction Machine
Romanian Deadlift
Lat Pulldown
Glute Biased Step-up
Cable Flys
Unilateral Hipthrust
Shoulder Raises
Cable Kickbacks
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